Waiting List FAQ

    What does it mean to be placed on the Waiting List?

    This year's applicant pool was the largest and one of the most academically talented in Villanova’s history. Being offered a position on the Waiting List is an accomplishment as Villanova has recognized your impressive academic and extracurricular achievements. However, at this time, we are unable to offer you admission solely based on the limited spaces in the class and the highly selective admission process.

    How do I join the Active Waiting List for further consideration?

    To secure your place on the Active Waiting List, please select “Yes” in response to “Do you wish to remain on the Active Waiting List?” through the Waitlist Reply form on your Applicant Status Page. This must be done no later than April 15. Only students who choose to remain on the Active Waiting List will be considered for any available seats.

    I see that on my Waitlist Reply form that I can select a second-choice major(s). What does this mean?

    Due to the extraordinary competition in some majors and the uncertainty of what majors may have Waiting List openings after May 1, we have offered applicants on the Active Waiting List the opportunity to select an alternate major(s) should they be interested. The alternate majors are limited to:

    • College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Liberal Arts
      • Exploratory Arts - Undeclared Liberal Arts (includes Africana Studies, Arab & Islamic Studies, Art History, Asian Studies, Chinese Studies, Classical Studies, Communication, Criminology, Cultural Studies, Economics, Education & Counseling, English, Environmental Studies, French & Francophone Studies, Gender & Women’s Studies, Geography, Global Interdisciplinary Studies, History, Humanities, Independently Designed Major, Irish Studies, Italian, Japanese Studies, Latin American Studies, Liberal Arts, Peace & Justice, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Public Service & Administration, Russian Area Studies, Secondary Education, Sociology, Spanish Studies and Theology & Religious Studies)
    • College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Sciences
      • Astronomy and Astrophysics
      • Environmental Science
      • Exploratory Science - Undeclared Sciences
      • Mathematics
      • Physics
      • Statistics
    • College of Engineering
      • Chemical Engineering
      • Civil Engineering
      • Computer Engineering
      • Electrical Engineering
    If you choose to select an alternate major (limited to 2 choices), you will be considered for your original first-choice major as well as the alternate majors (depending on spaces that may be available after May 1).

    I received a Waiting List decision from the Villanova School of Business (VSB) and have not taken a full year of Calculus in high school. Can I still be considered for admission to VSB?

    Past successful applicants to the Villanova School of Business (VSB) have had at least one year/one unit of high school Calculus (beyond Pre-Calculus) if Calculus is offered at their school. Therefore, admission to VSB without a Calculus class is highly unlikely. We suggest that you consider the Exploratory Arts program in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS). Here are some more details about CLAS:

    • Students who enroll as an Exploratory Arts major have until the end of their sophomore year to declare a specific major in the Liberal Arts division of CLAS
    • Historically, many students interested in business who are Exploratory Arts majors often gravitate to majors in Economics, Communication, and Public Administration.
    • Students interested in working in business also consider majors in Mathematics and Statistics.
    • Many students apply for a business minor through the Summer Business Institute or during the academic year.
    As you consider this option, we want to provide you with some information regarding advising, professional development and internships offered to all CLAS students. Please also know that applying to internally transfer to VSB after enrollment at Villanova can be highly competitive.

    When will I know if Villanova is going to use the Active Waiting List?

    If vacancies remain after May 1, each candidate on the Active Waiting List will be reconsidered by the Committee on Admission for each position available in each academic program. Please note that there is neither rank nor order to the Waiting List.

    What can I do to enhance my chances of being admitted from the Waiting List?

    The only thing that you need to do now is to answer “Yes” to “Do you wish to remain on the Active Waiting List?” through the Waitlist Reply form on your Applicant Status Page by April 15. We acknowledge how much time and effort that you put into your application to Villanova, and nothing else is required at this time. In the spirit of fairness to all applicants, we will not add additional letters of recommendation or updated resumes to your admission file.

    Can I send a Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI)?

    As a reminder, nothing additional is required, however if you wish to submit a LOCI (with a 250 word limit), you may do so directly into the Waitlist Reply Form in the Applicant Status Page. This is the only way to have this information added to your file. We respectfully ask that you not send this by email.

    Can I submit additional grades from my senior year?

    You may complete and submit the self-reported senior grades form or upload a copy of your in-progress grades using the “upload materials” tool in your Applicant Status Page.

    May I come in for an interview?

    We do not conduct interviews as part of our admission process.

    How and when will I be notified if I am selected from the Active Waiting List?

    If you are admitted from the Active Waiting List, you will be contacted by the Office of Undergraduate Admission by email. You will then be able to view your decision update through your Applicant Status Page. Please be assured that you will be notified by June 30 regarding our final admission decision.

    If I am admitted from the Waiting List, how long will I have to decide?

    Students admitted from the Waiting List will have 5 days to submit the enrollment deposit. (IMPORTANT NOTE: Don’t wait to apply for financial assistance! If you have already applied, check that your application is complete so that a package can be released with your decision. You may check this through your Applicant Status Page.)

    Will I still receive financial assistance?

    If you are selected from the Active Waiting List and have submitted all necessary documents for financial assistance, you will be reviewed for need-based assistance. If you plan to apply for financial assistance and have not yet, we urge you to do so as soon as possible and not wait for an admission offer to ensure that you receive a financial assistance package in a timely manner. Financial assistance consideration will be based on the funding that is available at the time you are admitted.

    Will I be considered for merit-based scholarships?

    No, candidates selected from the Active Waiting List are not eligible for academic merit-based scholarships.

    Am I guaranteed on-campus housing?

    All incoming first-year students offered admission from the Active Waiting List as resident students will be guaranteed three consecutive years of on-campus housing.

    Will I be notified if I am not offered admission from the Active Waiting List?

    If you are not admitted to Villanova from the Active Waiting List, you will be notified by June 30 through your Applicant Status Page.

    If I am not admitted, can I apply as a transfer student?

    While we hope that you find happiness and success at the college of your choice in the Fall, we entertain applicants for transfer admission after one-full year at another college or university.